Do you know the difference between functional medicine and conventional medicine?

Conventional medicine describes the 'What' ~ what is the disease? what treatment? what drugs to take?

Functional medicine guides you to the 'Why' ~ why is this symptom showing up? why are you having this issue? 

Functional medicine gets to the 'root cause' ~ asking what's causing dysfunction in the body?
It asks 2 more questions:
1) What do you need to get rid of that is causing this imbalance?
2) What do you need to put in your body to restore balance?

All the holistic practitioners on The Healing Institute website hub assist in finding the root cause.
Book Now with one or more for a complimentary (free) consultation to plan the best healing strategy for you.

Maree Piplovick, Conscious Breathing Facilitator & Wellness Coach -

Mindy Kollman: Registereed Clinical Counsellor -

Gina Fraundorfer, Wellness Coach, Reiki & Bio-Energy Therapist -

Darren McKoy, a Men’s Self Discovery & Purpose Navigator - 

Permelia Parham, Certified Body Code Practitioner -


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