Lion's Gate Portal August 8 2024 = 888
The Lion’s Gate Portal is the moment where Sun in Leo is in alignment with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and Earth.
This happens when Sirius "rises" or becomes visible again due the Sun's yearly pa...
Are You A Good Listener?
Here are a few tips on how to be a good listener:
1. Have your focus entirely on the person speaking ~ give them your full attention.
2. Don't interrupt ~ let the person finish their sentence.
3. ...
August is LEO Season!
What is LEO Season?
LEO Season starts when the sun moves into the sign of Leo on July 22 and lasts until August 22.
LEO is associated with the 5th House of Romance and Self-Expression.
Leo's en...
Finding JOY
What does JOY mean to you?
Here are 2 definitions of Joy:
~ a state of happiness or bliss
~ the emotion of delight
I agree with both these definitions.
I find joy in taking time for myself - by ...
Summer Flowers Healing Properties
Do you know the healing properties of summer flowers?
Here are a few to find and use this summer:
Echinacea - this flower's pretty pink petals attract bees, and looks stunning as part of a bouque...
What Does Dignity Mean To YOU?
One definition of Dignity is: 'Being worthy of honour or respect'.
Here are some ways to live a life of dignity:
1. Maintaining personal integrity and self-respect, regardless of external circumst...
What Does Courage Mean To You?
I love Brené Brown's description of Courage! Learn to be courageous by Couraging!
Definition of courage ~ mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty....
Do You Have A Vision?
What is Vision?
These are a few of the definitions I found:
~ power of imagination
~ awareness of the supernatural in visible form
~ something seen in a dream
Your vision may serve as a guiding s...
How Do You Take Time To Relax?
It's summer - are you taking time to relax and unwind?
The definition of relax is 'become less tense or anxious'.
In your very busy life it is important to take time to relax. Taking time to unwi...
Joyful July ~ It's Summer Time!
How are you celebrating your summer?
What activities do you have planned for the month of July?
Here are a few fun facts about July:
July symbolizes summer, and contentment.
July's birthstone is...