
Blog posts August 2024

The Lion’s Gate Portal is the moment where Sun in Leo is in alignment with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and Earth. This happens when Sirius "rises" or becomes visible again due the Sun's yearly passing of the star. The Lion’s Gate Portal technically runs for two weeks, opening in late July on 2...

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Are You A Good Listener?

Here are a few tips on how to be a good listener: 1. Have your focus entirely on the person speaking ~ give them your full attention. 2. Don't interrupt ~ let the person finish their sentence.  3. Use active listening techniques such as nodding, and using affirmative sounds like "uh-huh" or "I se...

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August is LEO Season!

What is LEO Season? LEO Season starts when the sun moves into the sign of Leo on July 22 and lasts until August 22.  LEO is associated with the 5th House of Romance and Self-Expression. Leo's energy will magnify your artistic impulses and your desire for love, luxury and FUN!  Some Fun Facts!...

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3 blog posts